青海的草原 一眼看不完
喜玛拉雅山 峰峰相连到天边
古圣和先贤 在这里建家园
风吹雨打中 耸立五千年
中华民国 中华民国 经得起考验
中华民国 中华民国 千秋万世
播出時間:星期一至星期五 (2pm - 5am) | 星期六 (8am - 4pm) | 星期日休息
WQEQ Radio 105.5FM operates the Chinese public radio WQEQ-LP (105.5MHZ frequency) in Flushing. Our mission is public service and promotion of multicultural diversity through information and education. The goal is to be achieved by providing significant radio programming to under-represented groups in the Chinatown district of Flushing, while concurrently enhancing and enriching broader audiences in the Queens neighborhoods.
2017-2020 © WQEQ Chinese Radio | FM 105.5 中文電台